Fabricación de otros productos básicos de química inorgánica

sin logotipo

Terrassa - Vallés Occidental (Barcelona - Cataluña)


Fabricación de productos químicos básicos, compuestos nitrogenados, fertilizantes, plásticos y caucho sintético en formas primarias

Productos y servicios

Fabricación de sal para consumo humano e industrial.

Fabricación de otros productos básicos de química inorgánica
Comercio al por mayor de combustibles sólidos, líquidos y gaseosos, y productos similares
Fabricación de otros productos básicos de química inorgánica
Comercio al por mayor de combustibles sólidos, líquidos y gaseosos, y productos similares
Manufacture of other inorganic basic chemicals
Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products
The company is primarily engaged in the wholesale trade of chemicals and other related products. It is involved in the distribution and sale of a wide range of chemicals, plastics materials and basic forms and shapes, and other related products. It was founded in 1959 by Victor Dotti Millet. The company has a registered office located in Terrassa, Spain. A leader in the industry, the company has facilities all over Spain: Terrassa Manufacturing (production of 10,000 square meters), Alcudia de Crespins (Valencia) (production of 5,000 square meters), Fontanar (Guadalajara) Warehouse (production of 5,000 square meters), and Administration (head office). These facilities are completely automated to successfully embark upon the new millennium. Although the company was established as part of the textile industry, since then, it has expanded to other sectors, such as general industry, foodstuffs, animal feed, among others.
Datos de contacto
Dirección postal


CP: 4883 - TERRASSA (Barcelona)

Tlf: +34 937336733
Fax: +34 937336736
